"Dakota. What
the hell kind of a stupid word is Dakota?" said Brad Brad Brad,
whose name was just repeated three times. "Screw Dakota." "I don't mind of I do," said Mike Mike Mike, whose name was not just repeated three times, because his actual name is the word Mike repeated three times; therefore if I had repeated his name three times it would have been Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike. "Please excuse me while I get me some sweet loving from Dakota. (While we're waiting for Mike Mike Mike to screw Dakota, I'd like to take this opportunity to point out that it seems a bit of a waste of space to keep writing out his full name, which, I might add, is a rather silly name besides. So, henceforth, I shall refer to Mike Mike Mike as Mike. Here he is now.) "Okay, I'm done screwing Dakota," said Mike, whose name was just divided by three. "Let me know if those Midwestern states give you any more trouble." "Thanks Mike Mike Mike," said Br, whose name was just divided by two. "I think it's a terrible shame that our children are growing up in a world where you can't walk down the street at night without worrying about a geographical region having a silly name." "It's a sorry state of affairs," said whose name was omitted entirely. |
Brad said: "I think it was Emerson or one of those guys with a lot of facial hair who said, 'A foolish consistency is, uh, Dakota sucks.'" |
(I just wanted to use this empty space to point out that earlier, when I I I said, "said whose name was omitted entirely," I didn't mean to suggest that his name was Whose Name Was Omitted Entirely, but rather point out that his name was indeed omitted. Carry on.) |
said Mike, whose name was Mike. "Hey look, it's Whose Name Was
Omitted Entirely." "Hi, Whose Name Was Omitted Entirely," said Brad, whose name was not omitted entirely or partially. "Hi Brad and Mike Mike Mike," said Whose Na, whose name was multiplied by 8/31. "Remember earlier when you you y said 'Emerson or one of those guys with a lot of facial hair?' Did you mean that his name was Emerson Or One Of Those Guys With A Lot Of Facial Hair, or were you just pointing out that Emerson is commonly associated with a group of American writers and philosophers who often had facial hair?" "Will you have sex with me?" said Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike, whose name was repeated three times, and not nine times. (I'd like to use this awkward pause to say: What the hell kind of a name is Whose Name Was Omitted Entirely?) "It's actually a very common name in North Dakota," said Professor Plum, who did it in the library with a candlestick. "Screw Whose Name Was Omitted Entirely," said me, whose name was not Me. "I don't mind of I do," said Professor Plum Pi, whose name was multiplied by the circumference divided by the radius squared. " Please excuse me while I get me some sweet loving from Whose Name Was Omitted Entirely." "Hey, wait a second," said Me whose name was not his name. "I thought I was narrating this story! Why am I being referred to in the third person? What the hell's going on?" , said . |